Provider Information

Abilities to Work is no longer providing services.

Please contact our Employment Ontario Service Centre at 1-888-353-8140 or for assistance in identifying the right partner to address your employment needs.


ACCES Employment is a leader in connecting employers with qualified employees from diverse backgrounds. More than 39,000 job seekers are served annually at seven locations across the Greater Toronto Area. As a not-for-profit corporation, ACCES receives funding from all levels of government, corporate sponsors, various supporters and the United Way Greater Toronto.

ACCES Employment provides job search services entirely free-of-charge through physical locations in the Greater Toronto Area only (Ontario, Canada).  We provide some online services to pre-arrival clients internationally who are already approved to come to Canada.

Our Vision:
A fully inclusive labour force that reflects the diversity, skills and experience of Canada's population.

Our Mission:
ACCES Employment assists job seekers from diverse backgrounds, who are facing barriers to employment, to integrate into the Canadian job market. We achieve this by providing employment services, linking employers to skilled people and building strong networks in collaboration with community partners.

Our Values:
We value and respect the uniqueness of each individual, including our clients, our employers, our community partners and ourselves. We strive to provide every person with customer service excellence and an exceptional customer experience.

We are committed to respecting individual differences and being accessible to all those we serve. ACCES Employment staff reflects the diversity of our community.

We provide transparent, high-quality services and achieve results that are measurable and fiscally responsible.

Our services are customized to meet the needs of our clients, communities and employers.

We work together to achieve our goals and respect the contributions of others, both within ACCES Employment and with our stakeholders.

We listen and stay connected to our communities, clients, employers and other partners to continuously improve.

We seek new, innovative and creative opportunities to be a leading-edge organization.

We are flexible and embrace change, continuously adapting to emerging needs and opportunities within a dynamic environment.

We focus on action, outcomes and setting new standards of excellence.


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The Power to Achieve More Achēv connects people to opportunities that help them achieve their full potential. We provide the resources and guidance based on the local labour market needed to achieve your employment goals. Through high-quality programs and personalized services, Achēv supports career development, employment, language, education, specialized services for youth and settlement success in our communities. Achēv's staffing experts assist you in taking the next step towards securing and maintaining a job. From employment preparation to career coaching to employer connections and placement services, we offer the tools, training and support necessary to establish your career or train for a better job. Achēv provides the human resources support that employers need. We offer no-cost resource supports, on-boarding and training assistance, candidate recruitment, hiring events and job postings to assist you to hire the perfect candidate and develop your workforce.


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BMC has over 30 years of experience serving a diverse and multicultural community in Peel. The agency was established as a non-profit to serve and work with newcomers, and to facilitate their settlement and integration into Canada. Today, BMC offers a wide range of services and learning opportunities to connect clients to a better future in the ever changing Canadian society. All of BMC services are provided in a culturally and linguistically appropriate manner. Services are delivered within an anti-oppressive framework discouraging labeling, stigma, exclusion and promotion values of equity, inclusion, and empowerment at all levels and situations. BMC practices are collaborative in nature and recognize that each client is the expert in their own life. BMC service delivery is holistic in nature and offers a range of integrated series and engages key stakeholders in the community to meet the needs of all clients.


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Within our own five community service locations, six Peel Living buildings, and throughout the entirety of the Town of Caledon, Caledon Community Services (CCS) is helping shape the future of a caring and engaged Caledon community. A community builder since 1971, our many programs and services address community needs in one of the most uniquely challenging and increasingly diverse communities in the GTA. We are home to Caledon’s only accessible transportation program, the Exchange community hub that includes food supports and a range of activities, Caledon Specialist Clinic, and around-the-clock personal support services for seniors. We offer resettlement services and language classes for newcomers (LINC) and comprehensive employment services for job seekers and local businesses. We provide paid training programs for Caledon youth ages 15-30 as well as exciting volunteer opportunities and two affordable retail shopping destinations that support all of our programs and service delivery. We are proud to support many partner agencies who provide much-needed services to Caledon residents within our Exchange and home office locations.


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Comprised of multiple centres, our organization operates as an independent charity. Our Centres deliver free government-funded programs and fee-based programs to help people at various stages of life (youth, job seekers, second career seekers and newcomers to Canada) get on a path to career success. Services include one-on-one job search coaching, workshops, settlement services, ESL classes, academic upgrading & funding and fee-based pre-apprenticeship skilled trades programs. Our Centres also collaborate closely with employers, providing free professional recruitment with access to pre-screened candidates, financial wage and training incentives and customized skilled trades training. Collectively, our Centres serve over 20,000 people annually in the Halton Region and Mississauga.


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Collège Boréal’s Employment Services is an employment and training program funded by the Government of Ontario that takes the time to understand your company’s needs in today’s changing economy. We have a growing pool of training-ready candidates with various educational backgrounds and skill levels to meet your immediate and long-term staffing requirements. Employers who are looking to hire staff can advertise job openings that can be shared amongst our network of 13 sites within the province. Our staff can provide employers with screening and recruiting services to meet their business needs. Some of the services we offer:
  • •    Assistance with candidate screening, resulting in savings in recruitment time, and advertising costs.
  • •    Possibility of grants for the training of eligible candidates
  • •    Access to our meeting rooms for interviews and job fairs
  • •    Regular follow-ups with employers to ensure that the candidate is meeting your expectations.


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Career Connection (Community Living Mississauga) works with businesses and employment candidates who have an intellectual disability in Mississauga. Candidates are guided towards their employment goals with career planning, training and skills development. Our experienced staff support job seekers through the entire process, from application to on-site training. Career Connection also works closely with businesses that support inclusive hiring to provide pre-screened, work-ready candidates that are invested in long term success. Through job coaching and regular follow-up, we strive for a smooth on-boarding process and high retention rates. The results are productive team members that inspire others to reach their own new heights.



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COSTI is a multiservices community based agency providing a range of services to newcomers and vulnerable populations across the Greater Toronto Area. Service areas include Employment, Settlement, Education & Training and Community Development.


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Dixie Bloor Neighbourhood Centre (DBNC) was founded in 1988 as a non-profit organization. The programs offered are free of charge and responsive to the community members' needs and include Employment Ontario. DBNC Employment Ontario offers a client-centric Integrated Service Model to all client groups to ensure that they are served effectively in their journey to find employment and retain it. Our Employment Specialists team delivers high-quality, efficient, effective and friendly services to job seekers and employers, including clients with complex needs and specialized groups. Contact DBNC Employment whether you are looking for a new job, career guidance or getting ready for that next interview,


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Family Services of Peel (FSP) was established in 1971 as a multi-service agency non-profit, charitable organization to provide family and community support services for the people of Peel Region. Through leadership, collaboration, and innovation, FSP provides professional counselling, educational programs, employment support services, support for people with developmental disabilities and their families, as well as support for victims of violence and abuse. Sensitive to cultural and social diversity, FSP operates from an anti-racism/anti-oppression equity framework, utilizes a trauma specific focus and integrates ongoing research and data analysis through the FSP's  Peel Institute of Violence Prevention.


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Imagine Consultations provides itinerant services at various locations within the community based on client need.
Imagine Consultations provides Persons with Disabilities many services including Housing Supports, Person Directed Planning, Educational Advocacy, Transition Planning and Employment Supports. We take a person-centred approach to our services and work collaboratively with community partners to ensure Employment is not simply obtained, but is able to be maintained providing sustainable outcomes for our job seekers. By offering a multitude of life stabilizing supports and services, Imagine Consultations is able to provide each job seeker with the resources they need for success in the labour market no matter what stage of work readiness they are at currently. We provide Job Development, Job Coaching, and can assist in creating self employment opportunities through proven Individualized Income Generation methods. Your Path, Your Future, Your Choice.



Job Skills, a non-profit charitable community-based employment and training organization, has successfully delivered employment solutions for 30+ years across the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) and neighbouring regions. Today, the agency provides employment, employer, business, and newcomer services and programs in York and Peel Regions and Simcoe County.

Since 1988, the agency’s mission, vision, and values support a strong, outcome-focused, and client-centric employment services system, grounded in responding to community needs and customer service excellence. Innovative programs and services, supported by up-to-date technology, provide effective pathways to sustainable employment for individuals while also supporting the business community.

Job Skills’ programs, services, outreach, and referrals assist more than 20,000 individuals annually to maximize their potential through new employment opportunities, new careers, and new businesses that help build strong work foundations. Clients include those with specialized needs such as newcomers, youth with complex needs, persons with disabilities requiring additional supports, Indigenous people, those in receipt of Ontario Works, and francophones. With a broad mix of programming approaches that include e-learning, in-person workshops, coaching (virtual and in-person), and motivational interviewing, Job Skills is consistently able to maintain and exceed contractual outcomes by focusing on operational excellence.

Job Skills also offers customized employer services to help employers meet their specific labour market needs, including recruitment services, placement and retention, and financial supports for hiring. These services—including workforce planning support—help ensure the business community's long-term successful growth while supporting job seekers to find meaningful employment.


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The mission of March of Dimes Canada is to maximize the independence, personal empowerment and community participation of people with disabilities. March of Dimes Canada Employment Services exists to ensure that people with disabilities find and keep meaningful jobs. We are leaders in matching people who have disabilities with employers seeking qualified job candidates.


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Next-Steps Employment Centres are operated by the Toronto District School Board and funded by Employment Ontario. Our seven locations in Toronto, Mississauga and Vaughan offer FREE services to job seekers and employers.


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PCAS Inc. mission is to provide services which brings measurable, and lasting improvement in the quality of life of clients by delivering the appropriate, needs-based services to enhance their economic, and social inclusion.


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STRIDE provides itinerant services at various locations within the community based on client needs.
STRIDE is a specialized mental health and addiction agency focusing on employment, serving Halton and Peel regions. We exist because work matters -- and is proven to improve the quality of people’s lives. We help our clients gain and maintain meaningful employment through individualized programs, resources and connections to supportive employers in our community. STRIDE envisions a future where barriers to employment have been eliminated for people living with mental health or addiction challenges. We are committed to providing individualized support to empower people to gain and maintain meaningful employment.


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The Bennett Edge is a Service Provider of the Employment Ontario network of programs and services. We are a Specialist Service, assisting Persons with Disabilities to obtain and maintain competitive employment at no cost to the client or the employer. Our leading edge approach to building successful partnerships begins with a commitment to providing excellent service. Focused on the strengths and skills of our candidates and the needs and expectations of employers, we strive to create partnerships that work.


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The Job Centre provides itinerant services at various locations within the community based on client needs.
    • Specialists in helping people with disabilities secure and maintain meaningful employment.
    • • In addition, we provide assistance with developing business plans and helping individuals launch a self-employment enterprise.
    • • Our talented and dedicated team of case managers and job developers work with individuals with a variety of disabilities and barriers to employment to assist clients reach their employment and self employment goals.
  • • We travel to clients and provide after hour services.


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VPI Employment Services has been providing employment services to individuals and organizations for more than 30 years.  Based in Mississauga with 17 locations across Southern Ontario, we help job seekers in local communities find work and training opportunities. We also work directly with employers who are looking to hire.


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At WCG Employment Ontario, we believe in the power of work. We understand that work gives hope, strengthens relationships and drives economic growth. Through collaboration with local, regional and national partners, we incorporate the valuable knowledge provided by individuals and organizations in the communities we serve. WCG EO offers services from our two centres in Mississauga and Brampton as well as virtually and over the phone. Contact us to learn more about our work with job seekers and employers.  



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At WCG Employment Ontario, we believe in the power of work. We understand that work gives hope, strengthens relationships and drives economic growth. Through collaboration with local, regional and national partners, we incorporate the valuable knowledge provided by individuals and organizations in the communities we serve. WCG EO offers services from our two centres in Mississauga and Brampton as well as virtually and over the phone. Contact us to learn more about our work with job seekers and employers.  



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The YMCA of Greater Toronto is a charity tackling the most critical social issues in the GTA. For more than 160 years, we have offered children, teens, young adults and families the opportunity for personal growth, community involvement and leadership.


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