Who we are

WCG is proud to be chosen by the Ontario government to lead its pilot project transformation of employment services in the Peel Region with a locally responsive service delivery model. The program’s goal is to achieve better coordination between the new Employment Ontario prototype and existing social assistance programs to ensure better, more streamlined supports.

Employment Ontario Peel is powered by WCG Services. WCG brings together Service Providers and other local stakeholders in the Peel Region to create innovative approaches to help people gain job-related skills, find meaningful employment and to keep working.

As an organization dedicated to the belief in the power of work and the hope it brings individuals and families, WCG has a proud history of collaborating with over 120 service providers since 1994 to enable high impact program delivery with a focus on evidence-based outcomes. The priority is to connect more workers to good paying jobs and to encourage job creation.

WCG has adopted a vision for the prototype in Peel that is locally responsive and rooted in the region’s various communities, drawing upon the expertise and passion of a diverse and integrated network of service delivery providers and local stakeholders. It is a prototype that is client-centered, results-focused, and is designed to provide simplified and effective routes to finding sustainable solutions for individuals and businesses in a way that will ultimately help all Ontarians find and keep good jobs.

You can read more about Ontario’s plan to get results for job seekers and employers here.

You can learn more about WCG Services by visiting its website, by phone (250) 389-0699 or email info@wcgservices.com